69+ Best I hate Love Quotes for people who hate love

I hate love quotes

People love and hate but we all hate more than we love. Today I’ve brought you 69+ Best I hate Love Quotes you can relate with.

1) Either you love or hate me, both are in my favor, If you love me, I will always be in your heart, If you hate me, I will always be in your mind. – Shakespeare (I hate love quotes

2) You can hate me, You can go out there and say anything you want about me, But you will love me later because I told you the truth. – Mary J. Blige.

3) I say what I want to say and do what I want to do. There is no in-between. People will either choose to love me for it or hate me for it.

4) Love me or, Hate me, Nobody can change ME!.

5) If you love or hate me, the truth is that I am still going to shine brighter than your entire star.

6) Love me or hate me, I promise you that it is not going to make or break me.

7) Love me or hate me, either way, you are still thinking of me!

8) Take me or leave me, accept me or walk away, Love me or hate me, but don’t make me feel less of a person if I don’t fit into your idea of who I should be. I am me and I love me as I am!

9) Don’t try to change me, you should just accept me for who I am. You can either love or hate me, but I can only be ME! – I hate love quotes

10) Love me or hate me, I am still amazing, so adore or ignore me.

11) That Passion I used in loving you, is the same amount of Passion I am hating you right now.

12) I really really hate how much I love you.

13) I hate that I love you so.

14) I hate you but I am too weak to stop loving you.

15) I hate you for all the sacrifices you made for me.

16) You know that when I hate you, it is because I love you to a point of passion that whinges my soul. – I hate love quotes

17) No, I don’t hate you for not loving me anymore, but I really hate myself for still being in love with you.

18) I realized that “I love you” hurts me more than “I hate you” because I know I can’t have you.

19) Can’t help it, I hate love you because it hurts for it to heal.

20) You know how much I loved you, yet you tore my heart into pieces, yet, I still hate love..

21) I hate love. I hate being in love and pray never to be in this situation again.. yet, I hate love you.

22) I hate that I still care, I hate-love you because you don’t know this.

23) I am disguised with me for still waiting for you.

24) Spare me, I don’t hate you, I just hate the things you do and have done.

25) What I hate the most is the fact that I thought you were the one. I also hate the fact that I was 100% wrong.

26) I hate everything about you right now, but I still can’t figure it out what is always pulling me towards you.

27) Yes, now I truly understand that Love is a bed of rocks that will only hurt more and more when you start walking on it.

28) Yes, I once saw my life with you in the most romantic way, but I have come to realize that love isn’t a guarantee of Happiness. – I hate love quotes

29) I hate love for the way it changes me whenever am around you.

30) Don’t mistake my silence for weakness, I am only silence because I hate fighting with you.

31) We started out as two souls merged into one, but this thing called love has brought us at the crossroads where we know we have to go our separate ways. I hate this thing called love.

32) We all have only one Life please treasure it

33). True words are not always pretty and pretty words are not always true.

34). I know you loved me but your ego was what stopped you.

35). The people I hate more than bullies are those that standby and do absolutely nothing!!

36). Hatred is really deadly disease. To all my haters out there, please get well soon…

37). I was sad at first, then got mad, then I became tired… But I’m currently exhausted.

38). You can hate me if you want, but I swear I’ll keep f**king you until you either love me or die…

Also Read below articles

39). I recently realized that the opposite of Love is not hatred, but indifference. I hate him, yet I still care.

40). Haters don’t want to see you do better. That’s the reason they are hating on you.

41). Don’t let them hate you for no reason. Please give them one good one.

42). Knowing I’ll never be able to have you, is something I honestly hate.

43). I dislike mathematics, but I love to count money.

44). You run your mouth behind my back. …And smile at my face. F**k off b!tch!!! I hate you.

45). You think you know them until they show up their true color

46) I hate you and the day I gave my heart to you.

47). I loved you, yet you tore my heart into shreds. I Hate Love

48). I’ll keep hating you for hurting me so much

49). I hate that I care for you so much. I hate you for not know it.

51). I don’t hate you because you don’t love me anymore, I only hate myself for still loving you.

52). I hate myself for still waiting for you to come back.

53). The thing I hate so much is that I thought you were the one for me. And I hate the fact I was absolutely wrong. – I hate love quotes

54). I don’t hate you, I only hate the things you do and the things you once did.

55). I want to punch this wall in front of me so hard. I just hope I miss it so it can hit your ugly face.

56). You thought you hurt me when you said it was over? Nah… you didn’t. You just missed out on the greatest d!ck you will ever know.

57). I wish my brain has an option to block some thoughts, thoughts of you would have been the first.

58). If you dislike me, then simply get a map to Hell and have a safe journey.

59). I rather stay alone than roll along with losers…

60). Our memories will always be in my heart. But your face and name I’ll try not to remember. – I hate love quotes

61). F**k if you think I can’t do without you.

62). Ignoring you is one of the easiest things to do.

63). I hate you, even though I can’t stop loving you…

64) Despite hating you this much, I still care.

65). You can choose to hate me or love me, either way, you’ll be thinking of me.

66). Not even plastic surgery can make you beautiful when you hate on me. Stop hating me!

67). Don’t hate your best friends because they will certainly hurt you once in a while.

68). I hate feeling irrelevant to people who I take to be important to me.

69). I hate these haters, all their bullshit, and all their f**king alligations!!!

70). It doesn’t matter how long you think you know them. One day they will show their true colors.

71). Why do you smile in front of my face and gossip at my back? I Hate you so much

72). Do you want to learn how to love better? Start with your enemies.

73). If you don’t like sarcasm, stop asking stupid questions. – I hate love quotes

74). I hate Love, though I like lovers.

75). I have no reason to hate you all, this is because hate is my enemy.

76). Let’s just get it straight. I f**king hate U.

77). The only one I love hates me a lot. And… it sucks, but it’s cool.

78). Words can hurt someone’s feelings, but silence can break their hearts.

79). If I were to treat you the same way you treat me… I’m damn sure you will hate me.

Also read I hate everything – from this world to myself

80). I’m not supposed to hate anybody and I know that, but in this case, God will understand.

81). Just in a minute, you can hurt your loved ones, but it will take years for them to heal from the wounds.

82). You’re the reason I’m still standing here. Don’t make me hate you for wasting my time.

83). Think twice before you say it’s over because once I shut my door, they will never be open again for you. – I hate love quotes

84). You thought I wouldn’t have made it without you? As you can see I’m doing great.

85). I hate you and I don’t want any apologies from you. How could you do this to me after all we’ve been through?

86). I gave you my innocent heart containing all the love I had. What did you do? You tough it into shreds!!! I hate you.

87). I don’t think I need you anymore. You can see for yourself that I’m doing absolutely fine without you.

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